Surname: Monstera obliqua, Miq.1845
Heteropsis obliqua, Miq.
Heteropsis obliqua, Miq. ex Engl. 1878
Monstera sylvestris, Schott 1860
Monstera falcifolia, English 1905
Monstera falcifolia var. latifolia, K.Krause 1932
Monstera fendleri, Eng. 1905
Monstera killipii, K.Krause 1932
Monstera microstachys, Schott 1855
Monstera obliqua var. expilata, (Schott) Engl. 1878
Monstera sagotiana, Eng. 1905
Monstera snethlagei, K.Krause 1925
Monstera unilatera, Rusby 1910
etymology: obliquus = slanting, tilting
Reproduction: Division
Origin: Ecuador
Location: hemiepiphytic or terrestrial, in the warm, humid lowlands of the Amazon basin between El Pangui and Peru.
Remarks: Monstera obliqua is widespread throughout Central and South America. The nominal form has large, round to elliptical leaves and grows in Central America; the further you go into the Amazon basin, the more frequently you find plants with pronounced slit formation. Martius described this species in Flora Brasiliensis as Monstera obliqua var. expilata.