Product information "Hygrolon 1x1m"
Hygrolon is a fabric-like synthetic material that does not decompose. It is easy to process and shape. The possible applications in orchid cultivation or terrarium construction are almost unlimited. It can be used to stick to the back walls of terrariums, it can be used as a wick for water conduction, it can be used as a tying base and, and, and...
Hygrolon consists of 3 layers. The two outer layers are woven, the inner layer of nylon fibers acts as a separating layer. The outer two layers are highly hygroscopic and woven using the "worp" technique, which gives the fabric its mesh shape. The middle layer is the ventilation layer, it ensures the perfect combination of moisture and air.
Water that comes into contact with the material spreads quickly and evenly across the entire surface, similar to or better than organic materials such as bark, tree bamboo fiber and sphagnum.
Technical information*:
Material: Polyethylene refthalate (PET)
Fiber thickness: 0.5 denier (1 gram of fiber corresponds to 18,000 meters)
Water retention capacity: 285%*
Conductivity: 3-5 µS
pH: neutral, 7.0
Weight: 310g/m2
UV-stable: Yes
It is pH neutral and does not decompose. It contains no nutrients and is easily washed out.
Very easy to shape
Absorbs water easily.
Roots grow into the material.
Transplanting is not necessary as the material does not decompose.
Suitable for almost all plants, especially epiphytes.
Good microclimate in the root area, always airy and moist.
Hygrolon can be processed with many different adhesives. Silicone, hot glue or spray adhesive (automotive construction) are often used. Please make sure that the adhesive effect is achieved through direct contact with the material. If the adhesive penetrates the material, this leads to problems with water flow and possibly also with growth.
We have had very good experiences with FLORAL ADHESIVE, a special florist glue for plants. It has been holding up in small tests since April 2019.